For patients
Face-to-face clinics are back!
We are delighted to re-start our face-to-face surgery sessions! After a brief hiatus following COVID-19 pandemic, we are back offering a hybrid service. Besides assessing patients, we shall have open days for any of our users to drop in and have a conversation, ask a question, or clarify a doubt.
We are grateful to Kent Oncology Centre, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, and Public Health Team at the Medway Council for providing us with safe and accessible venues for these sessions which are much valued by our patients and their families.
What is Kent and Medway Prehab?
Kent and Medway Prehab is a multi-dimensional programme designed to help patients newly diagnosed with cancer, before, during and after cancer treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and surgery). We aim to empower and support you to adopt a healthy lifestyle. It has been widely recognised in the global medical community that fitter patients have better clinical outcomes. Our bespoke programme strives to help you achieve mental wellbeing and physical strength. If needed, we offer support with smoking cessation, alcohol moderation, and accessing other wellbeing programmes in the community.
What can you expect as a patient?
You will be assessed by an experienced trained prehab instructor and your prehab programme will be designed by an accredited cancer-rehab-trained exercise physiologist. The intervention will be delivered virtually (video/phone calls) from the comfort and safety of your home and will be personalised to your clinical need, ability, baseline fitness, expectations and beliefs. You will be offered different anxiety coping strategies. These interventions work in a complementary fashion, not only to improve your health but also self-efficacy.
What are the benefits?
The programme should help you recover faster, go back to your usual activities and hobbies earlier, and help you tackle side effects such as fatigue and low mood often resulting from the treatments for cancer.
Can anyone join?
Anyone can join our programme irrespectively of their age or type of cancer. We have a screening criterion for nutritional support and if you meet it, a clinical dietitian review will be required before you engage any further with our programme. This would be arranged via your GP/Hospital treating team.
Holistic prehabilitation programme
We have created a bespoke prehabilitation programme that will give you the tools you need to go through your treatment in the best possible health.
If you are undergoing cancer treatment, either currently or in the near future, you can self-refer to prehabilitation.
If you have recently finished your cancer treatment, you can self-refer to rehabilitation.
Real results
In the same way that rehabilitation helps people recover following an illness or injury, Kent & Medway Prehab assists you in helping build your strength and fitness before and during your treatment.
This means your recovery time is often shorter, and you are able to return to the quality of life that you enjoyed before your treatment sooner.
Live Streaming Sessions
If you have enrolled in our programme you have access to our live streaming sessions. These are free online sessions that are delivered regularly. This means that you can join these activities from wherever you are, as long as you have an internet connection and an adequate device (computer, smartphone, tablet). Have a look below at the sessions and speak with your instructor to know how you can access them!
KMP Cardio-box
Mondays @ 10.00
Simply put, these sessions aim at getting aerobically fit plus having fun through boxing punches.
KMP Pilates Live Streaming Sessions
Tuesdays @ 9.30
These sessions will focus on a range of low-impact movements, working all areas of the body, allowing the development of control and form. Pilates can help to strengthen muscles, improve balance and flexibility.
KMP Full-Body Strength Sessions
Tuesdays @ 16.00
These sessions focus on performing a series of upper-body, lower-body and core strength exercises. Strength exercises can help you to build up, increasing your muscle strength and also the strength of your bones.
KMP Tai Chi Live Streaming Sessions
Wednesdays @ 9.30
Tai chi is a series of gentle physical exercises and stretches. Each posture flows into the next without pause, ensuring that your body is in constant motion. Tai chi is sometimes described as meditation in motion because it promotes serenity through gentle movements, connecting the mind and body.
KMP Mobility
Thursdays @ 9.00
These sessions cover various stretches and exercises which aim to develop mobility, and increase stability and the range of movement for different joints around the body.
KMP Yoga Live Streaming Sessions
Fridays @ 10.00
Yoga is an ancient form of exercise aiming at joining mind and body. It is a safe and effective way to increase physical activity – especially strength, flexibility and balance.
Coffee Chats
Starting Wednesday 31st August 2022 there will be a member’s social for a chat. This will be run by our member Annemarie and is designed with no agenda, merely social interaction and coffee/tea/other by Zoom. This will be held every other week at 11 am. If you would like to join please email Annemarie at ras.annnie@gmail.com and she will directly send you the Zoom link. This initiative is an outcome of the last Peer Support meeting.
We know the time when you are waiting for the results of investigations is filled with anxiety. We are with you every step of the way. Join our Empower sessions - specially created for people waiting to see a specialist or expecting results after symptoms suggestive of cancer.
This online monthly session will briefly cover some lifestyle aspects that could support you in bringing positive changes in your health and preparedness in the event you need cancer treatment.
Session designed by
KMP YouTube channel
You can now access our YouTube channel where we share resources designed by the Kent & Medway Prehab team.
How to use the Craetus app
This guide will show you how to get started with the Craetus app. You can download the app here.
Mindfulness - Relaxation exercise
Lindsey shows how to perform a simple relaxation exercise.
Mindfulness - Balloon breathing
Lindsey, one of our counsellors, gives a short demonstration on “Balloon Breathing”.
Physical activity - Exercise in your daily life
James, one of our exercise physiologists, demonstrates how to do some simple exercises while doing activities of our daily life.
Physical activity - Strength ideas for dog walking
Any time can be a good time to do some exercise. In this video we show some ideas you can incorporate when taking your pet for a walk.
Physical activity - Home-based warm up
Video developed in collaboration with the physiotherapy students from the University of Brighton, who enjoyed an internship with Kent & Medway Prehab.
Physical activity - Home-based simple circuit
Simple circuit you can perform at home after discussing with your prehab specialist.
Physical activity - Home-based cool down
Video developed in collaboration with the physiotherapy students from the University of Brighton, who enjoyed an internship with Kent & Medway Prehab.